Please be patient while your browser loads ODIN. It can take a few seconds.


Please notice that OntoGene/ODIN is currently being revised for the BioCreative 2015 IAT task. Therefore you might experience occasional problems or malfunctions. Please bear with us.

Update June 2015: We have added a set of short screencast videos which describe how to use ODIN.

Comments and suggestions

Reports of problems and suggestions for improvements are extremely welcome! Please contact us at


Please also notice that documentation within the help menus might not be totally accurate or up-to-date. The most up-to-date documentation can be found by following the link on the bottom left corner of the ODIN interface ("Documentation as PDF").

Supported browsers

ODIN has been optimized for firefox, however it should work also on other browsers. We recommend the following browsers (in order of preference):

Known bugs

Occasionally when the user asks ODIN to process a novel pubmed id (i.e. not already previously processed), the interface will hang up without delivering any result. In this case, simply try to process AGAIN the same pubmed id, and you should get the expected results

In chrome the color-coded underlying of terms (which should depend on the term type), does not seem to work correctly


This interface allows the reviewing and curation of term-annotated XML documents.

File Menu

View Menu

Once a document is loaded, the corresponding annotations can be inspected in the Annotation panel on the right side of ODIN. There are several types of annotations which can be inspected within this panel: the options in the 'View' menu allow the user to toggle which information should be visualized (concepts, interactions, terms, and others depending on the specific application).

Mode Menu

Currently two options are available: single term mode and repeated term mode.